Flare iPhone App

A community driven
Mobile Distress Signal

A digitally reimagined emergency flare for you to carry on all of your adventures


About Flare

Enjoy the outdoors? Ever thought about what you'd do if you ran into trouble and needed help quickly?

What does it do?

Have you ever wondered what might happen if you had an accident and nobody was around to help? If you enjoy getting lost in the countryside, like to venture off the beaten track when you're on your winter holidays or even if you want a safety net when you head out on that first Tinder date, wouldn't it be nice to have a community of people that you could alert, should anything go wrong?

Flare is an emergency SOS app. If you get in to trouble, turn on a flare and it'll behave in much the same way as a real flare. Anyone in the vicinity, who has the app installed, will receive a notification along with your location. If you're struggling to get data on your device, you can send an old fashioned text message to a selection of your contacts, with a google maps link to your location.

How does it work?

It's pretty simple really...

App preview image 1

Receive notifications when people nearby need help. Notifications are labelled, indicating how long they have been active.

App preview image 2

In trouble? Launch your own flare, to tell other users in the area that you need their help.

App preview image 3

Struggling for signal? Send an old fashioned text message, with your location, to your trusted contacts.


Plenty of you have been in touch to tell me how happy you are with flare!

Claire Smith 5
Mountain Biker

Great app! It's nice to know I've got a few options, if the worst comes to the worst.

Carl Sanchez 5
Hobbyist Trail Runner

This looks like a very useful app. Will let my friends know, especially those that run alone.

Thought of a feature?

I'm always open to hearing new ideas for the app. Feel free to get in touch!

Get in touch